

查德隆州立学院致力于为学生提供, 员工, 并为客人提供安全可靠的环境. Chadron State College has an agreement with the Chadron Police Department that provides a Campus Resource Officer and the support of the Police Department to the campus. In addition, the campus employs a 安全 Supervisor and 安全 Officers.

校园安全努力与CSC员工合作, 参与和教育学生, 执行法律和政策, 减少学生的恐惧.



The Campus Resource Officer is located in Kent Hall (first floor, east wing)


安全办公室: 308-432-6037


CSC安全护送: 308-360-1887

*In case of emergency, dial 911 or 9-911 if calling from a campus phone.





In Chadron State College’s continuing effort to improve a safe campus community, the ILoveUGuys主动射击程序 已经启动. The use of consistent language has shown to be effective in speeding up response to critical events.

  • 如果校园附近或校园内存在威胁,我们将宣布这一消息.
  • When this is announced, we are asking that all building exterior doors be locked.
  • 在闭锁期间,任何人不得进入.
  • This will be announced when a threat is entering or has already entered a campus building.
  • When this is announced everyone is to secure themselves in a safe room in the building they currently are in.
  • 锁好房门, 用你能找到的任何东西锁好门, 用房间里的东西堵住门.
  • 想想你该如何保护自己. 四处寻找可能的武器.
  • 如果你能安全离开大楼,那就赶紧离开.
  • 不花时间收拾你的东西.
  • Always follow the orders of law enforcement, campus security, and first responders.
  • 现在不是质疑别人要求你做什么的时候.
  • 执法部门不知道谁是坏人,谁是好人.
  • 他们可能会让你举手,爬出去等等.
  • 准备好大喊大叫,大声喧哗,被抓,被搜查等等.
  • 为了大家的安全,让他们做好本职工作吧.
  • This is announced for weather-related events like a tornado, severe thunderstorm, etc.
  • When this is announced you need to find a safe place in the building.
  • This announcement is issued for events such as fire, bomb threat, gas leak, etc.
  • 这个命令要求所有人离开他们所在的大楼.
  • 这样做既安全又迅速.
  • 不要碰或拿任何东西.

Large, silver, reflective numbers are on all exterior doors of campus buildings. These numbers are placed in the upper-right-hand corner of the exterior door. 编号遵循北侧,顺时针系统. No. 1号是北边的第一个门,所以是1号. 接下来,当我们顺时针绕着建筑物移动时. 堆叠的门从最低的门往上编号. 这些号码是在紧急情况下使用的. Reporting parties are to use the building and closest door number when calling in an emergency.


Solid exterior doors will also have the number placed on the interior in the lower-right-hand corner for quick identification.


Chadron State College 安全 believes that a community committed to the prevention of crime promotes the safest living and learning environment.


校园安全 Officers patrol campus property in a marked vehicle, as well as on foot. Officers provide a visible deterrent and active response to criminal activity.


安全护航 services are available to all campus students, 员工, and visitors. A 校园安全 Officer will accompany anyone on campus property who feels apprehensive about walking alone—24 hours a day, 一周7天.


校园安全 will present programs to educate, inform, and encourage crime prevention techniques. 可用的信息和程序包括:

  • 学生、家长和员工培训
  • 预防犯罪技巧
  • 个人财产安全
  • 校园停车政策和执行
  • 枪击案校园程序

Maintenance and security of campus facilities are the responsibilities of the entire campus community. Officers attend to the college’s buildings and grounds with consideration for safety and security. 报告异常情况, 比如破碎的窗户或锁, 烧坏的灯, 或者其他危险, 校园安全. 警察将迅速对安全问题作出反应. 校园保安会就每一种情况联系维修人员.


Crime alerts and crime reports are released when serious crimes occur that are considered to be a continuous threat to members of the campus community. When circumstances warrant, information may be provided to the campus community through:

  • 电子邮件
  • 个人通知
  • 传单





以防紧急情况, incidents involving an immediate concern for a person’s physical safety or other crimes in progress dial 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone.

Victims are encouraged to report all incidents to either 校园安全 or the Chadron Police Department, 不管这个罪行看起来有多微不足道. 校园安全 or Police Officers will respond at any time to meet the victim, 做个报告, 调查事件, 并提供帮助. 校园安全 Officers are in direct radio contact with the Chadron Police Department at all times.


Chadron State College is an alcohol and drug free campus on all property, 包括居民住房和停车场. In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, 学院的政策与联邦, 状态, 以及当地法律对持有毒品的规定, 酒精和麻醉品的使用和销售情况在 学生手册.


校园安全 works closely with the Residential Life Director and Assistants to ensure a safe residential campus experience. 校园资源官(CRO)在肯特厅设有办公室. The CRO is a Nebraska Certified Law Enforcement Officer of the Chadron Police Department.


拥有或使用火器, 烟花, explosives or other lethal weapons on campus property is strictly forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution, 以及大学的纪律处分. 看到 学生手册 具体的武器政策.



停车许可费用包含在学生的学费中. Students can claim their parking permit at the 业务办公室 located in Crites Hall.


No, students can only park in designated areas according to the permit on the vehicle. 消防车道内禁止停放车辆. 只有持有残障许可证的车辆才可在残障车位停车. 停车许可证不允许在游客景点停车.


Service Vehicle parking spots are only to be used by Campus Services personnel or local law enforcement/EMS.

What do I do while my vehicle is getting repaired or I have to bring a different vehicle to campus temporarily?

Temporary parking permits can be obtained from Campus Parking located in Sparks Hall, 113房间不收费. Temporary parking permits do not permit parking in restricted or reserved spots.


是的. Temporary parking permits can be obtained from Campus Parking located in Sparks Hall, 113房间不收费.

Are 15 Minute and/or Service Vehicle Parking Zones enforced at all times?


我喜欢户外活动,是个猎人. 我可以把猎枪带到学校吗?

不,校园里不允许携带武器. The Chadron Police Department provides a safe and secure storage location for use by all campus members that is accessible off campus.


是的, if interested inquire at the CSC 安全 Office, Maintenance Building, Office #102.


不,校园保安不给车辆开锁. 在这种情况下,请联系查德隆警察局.


是的. Tickets can be contested by contacting Campus Parking located in Sparks Hall, Room 113.